15 Best Sidequests In Switch Games

15 Best Sidequests In Switch Games

If you’ve played a handful of video games, chances are you’ve lost yourself in the side content more often than the main game.

Sidequests are a procrastinator’s dream. Don’t want to finish the main story? Worried about missing some fantastic rewards or lore dumps? Well, thank goodness there are tons of people across the world that need help rescuing their pets, doing their shopping, or trying to tell their neighbour that they’re in love with them.

You can’t be a hero without helping a few people along the way, and so, with the help of the lovely Nintendo Life readers, we’ve compiled a list of the very best sidequests you can experience on the Switch.

To put a definition to that term, sidequests are optional quests that are not required to beta the game — so, while storylines such as Kasumi’s Social Link in Persona 5 Royal (which is required for the extra plot added in the rerelease) and Michelle and Kai in Dragon Quest XI (an incredible questline which is actually part of the main story) aren’t included here.

We may well return to this piece at a later date — after all, Xenoblade Chronicles X is on the horizon — so let us know if you think we’ve missed any superstar side content in the comments.

No one should have to experience what Cyan goes through in Final Fantasy VI. He loses his wife, child, and the entire kingdom of Doma to Kefka, who mercilessly poisons the water supply — one of the most evil acts of the entire game. And yet Cyan still pushes on, struggles against all odds to save the world and keep hope alive.

In the World of Ruin, sleeping in Doma will unlock the Dreamscape dungeon, which is a dreamlike manifestation of Cyan’s memories. You have to relive moments of his trauma and defeat the Wrexsoul possessing Cyan’s spirit. Doing this helps the bushido come to terms with himself, and he rejoins the party with renewed vigor. As a character with an already standout development arc, Cyan’s final chance here is beautiful — a moment of relief and reprieve, and it pushes him to fight for a better world again.

We’re only picking one sidequest per game, so there’s bound to be other ones we’ve missed. Let us know your favourites by voting in our poll and sharing your thoughts in the comments below!

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